Peace Church United Methodist


Peace Church is part of the United Methodist Church in Germany (Evangelisch-methodistische Kirche)


Central Conference (ZK)

The United Methodist Church in Germany is organized as a Central Conference within the United Methodist global structure.

It is part of the quadrennial meeting of the General Conference; however it is also a Central Conference. All United Methodist bodies are governed by the same Constitution. By-laws, and Social Principles as found in the Book of Discipline written every four years following the meeting of the General Conference. However, within the Central Conference decisions can be made regarding structure and administration of the local area. It is similar to the Jurisdictional Conferences within the United States, but has broader powers relating to the national and regional structure and legal system. The Book of Discipline of the German Central Conference can be found on the EmK Intranet and on the Internet (look for "EmK VLO").

The Central Conference meets once every four years, usually in the fall of the year in which the General Conference meets.

There are four Central Conferences in Europe: Germany, Northern Europe, Southern Europe and Russia. Each elects its own Bishop.


Annual Conference (JK)

Germany is divided into 3 Annual Conferences - North Germany (NJK), South Germany (SJK) and East Germany (OJK). Each Conference meets annually and has its own set of Conference rules, committees and procedures.

Munich and the Peace Church are part of the South Germany Annual Conference.